Giles County Democrats
Get InvolvedThere’s a Blue Wave Coming!
Together we will build Giles County – Tennessee – and United States – that offers a brighter future for everyone. Together we will do the hard work of organizing, mobilizing and electing candidates who are committed to creating opportunities for every individual to have a fair shot at a better life.
We invite all Democrats to bring their ideas, talent, energy and integrity to volunteer with us to build bridges into our neighborhoods and communities, to help bring others into a commitment to a government that works toward the best interests of all of the citizens of Giles County. We encourage you to take a look at the priorities to see where you may want to volunteer, to let us know if you need some help registering to vote or are willing to help register others.
We believe that politics can do many things for all of us. Politics can educate our students with resources that allow them to compete in whatever academic field they choose. Politics can bring health resources to our county. Politics can help us take care of our land, water and other natural resources. Politics can bring good paying jobs. Politics can provide internet and cable services. Politics can build our roads and bridges. Choosing leadership that will fight for each of us is the mission of the Giles County Tennessee Democrats.
And we can’t wait for you to join us! Reach Out – Dive In! We are building a Blue Wave!
Giles County Tennessee Democrats welcomes everyone interested in learning more about ways to plug in to the party’s activities, its future and, yes, becoming a proud Democratic candidate and elected official.
Are you sure you’re registered to vote? Do you know where your precinct is located. Check your registration and find your polling place in one easy click.
Keep your eye on this guide to upcoming elections in Giles County for local, district, state and national elections. Find out more about who’s currently representing you now or who’s running against an incumbant. Learn when terms expire. Who knows, you may just want to become a candidate!