To: 28th District State Sen. Joey Hensley, MD

TO: 70th District State Rep. Clay Doggett

Whereas, Gov. Bill Lee has announced plans to call a special session of the Tennessee State Legislature on Aug. 21 to consider passing legislation to strengthen public safety and preserve gun ownership rights.

Whereas, we, the Democrats of Giles and surrounding counties, can think of no better way to accomplish this than by passing appropriate legislation.

Consider these statistics from the website, regarding deaths by guns, based on January 2021 figures.

  • Whereas,  the majority of homicides,  85 percent, in Tennessee, are from guns.
  • Whereas, 1,193 people in Tennessee die every year from gun homicides, based on averages from 2015-19.
  • Whereas, 111 children on average die each year from gun deaths in Tennessee.

These statistics are from the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation as of the latest reporting year.

  • Whereas, 54 women in Tennessee were killed with a firearm in a domestic dispute in 2020.
  • Whereas, firearms were used in 3,500 domestic violence incidents – rape, sodomy, kidnapping, etc.
  • Whereas, Tennessee has the eighth highest rate of gun homicides in the U.S.

Resolved, “There is broad agreement that acton is needed, and in the weeks ahead, we’ll continue to listen to Tennesseans and pursue thoughtful, practical measures that strengthen the safety of Tennesseans, preserve Second Amendment rights, prioritize due process projections, support law enforcement and address mental health,” Lee said.

Whereas, the Giles County Democratic Party Executive Committee and Democratic Party supporters call for the General Assembly to support without delay repeal of “permit-less carry,” the public welfare demanding it.

Sincerely yours,

Giles County Democratic Party Executive Committee

Mike Cesarini, Chairman

Janice Tucker, Vice Chairman

Paul Manke,Secretary

Carol McComiskey, Treasurer